The following series of videos will help you learn how to use Canvas at Duke. 

Exploring Your Canvas Account

Video length: 6:17

At the end of this video, you will be able to

  1. Set your course notifications
  2. Update your Canvas profile
  3. Locate your account-level files
  4. Understand the settings, shared content, and QR code sections of your Canvas account

OIT's Account Self-Service Portal:

Exploring the Global Navigation Menu

Video length: 12:18

At the end of this video, you will be able to:

  1. Manage the course cards on your dashboard
  2. Navigate the sidebar menu on the dashboard
  3. Create calendar events
  4. Send messages through the Canvas Inbox
  5. Explore and import content from Commons
  6. Access Canvas 24/7 help

Exploring Default Course Settings

Video length: 8:38

At the end of this video, you will be able to:

  1. Understand the course navigation menu and our default setup
  2. Use student view to visualize your course from the student perspective
  3. Add an image to your course cards
  4. Cross-list your courses, if needed (detailed instructions from the Instructor Guide)
  5. Identify where to publish or unpublish your course site
  6. Import content from another Canvas course
  7. Change your course’s home page

Making a Homepage

Video length: 9:58

At the end of this video, you will be able to:

  1. Identify the benefits of using a homepage
  2. Create a Page in Canvas
  3. Use the Rich Content Editor to create content
  4. Check the accessibility of your pages
  5. Set a page as your homepage
  6. Use the immersive reader tool in Canvas

Structuring Your Course Site

Video length: 7:33

At the end of this video, you will be able to:

  1. Understand why modules is a useful tool for organizing your course site
  2. Create modules
  3. Add content to your modules
  4. Organize the content within your modules
  5. Use student view and publishing to check whether students can access your course content

Exploring Common Course Tools

Video length: 5:27

At the end of this video, you will be able to:

  1. Create an announcement
  2. Locate course files
  3. Identify the Collaborations tool
  4. Find your course roster
  5. Create groups in your course
  6. Understand the Syllabus tool

Creating an Assignment

Video length: 8:33

At the end of this video, you will be able to:

  1. Understand how Canvas defines Assignments
  2. Identify best practices for assessment design
  3. Create an assignment with various student submission type(s)
  4. Change assignment settings such as submission attempts, group assignment, peer review, and accommodations

Creating a Quiz

Video length: 11:17

At the end of this video, you will be able to:

  1. Identify major differences between the Classic and New Quiz engines.
  2. Create a Classic Quiz.
  3. Set up a quiz with options such as time limits and quiz restrictions.
  4. Compose a quiz question.

Additional resources mentioned in the video: 

Discussion and Assignment Groups

Video length: 4:51

At the end of this video, you will be able to:

  1. Create a graded online discussion with proper settings.
  2. Create assignment groups and set up grading schemes.

Grading Student Submissions

Video length: 12:58

At the end of this video, you will be able to:

  1. Understand how students can submit their assignments.
  2. Use Speedgrader to grade a student submission.
  3. Navigate through Gradebook and change grading settings.
  4. Create a rubric to grade student submissions.

Accessibility in Canvas

Practicing accessibility

Video length: 18:02

Accessibility in Canvas

Navigating UDOIT in Canvas

Video length: 5:38

Accessibility in Canvas

Using UDOIT to resolve accessibility issues

Video length: 8:34

Accessibility in Canvas

Using UDOIT to make files more accessible

Video length: 3:13