Do Canvas sites have unlimited storage?
No, each Canvas site is limited to 5 GB of storage. If a Sakai site you wish to migrate to Canvas has more than 5 GB worth of content in it, you will need to find another way to share that content with students in Canvas. Below are some options:
Ensure your video content is not copyrighted
The first thing to do regarding any video content you have in Sakai is to ensure it is not copyrighted. If all of your videos are recordings of your class sessions or videos you created, you can ignore this step.
If you have any video content that is copyrighted, Duke Libraries can work with you to get physical copies of content such as films, or streaming rights on reserve.
Options for hosting videos in Canvas
There are two main options for hosting videos in Canvas: Warpwire and Panopto. Both programs are integrated with Canvas. If most of your video content is pre-recorded and you want to share that with students, we recommend using Warpwire. If you instead record your live lectures to share with students, we recommend using Panopto.
Sharing large PDFs or PowerPoints with students in Canvas
If you have large PDF or PowerPoint files that you will need to share with students in Canvas, the best option would be to upload those files to Duke Box, create a shared link for each file, and then give students that shared link through Canvas.